Purple Ink Design Studio featured on www.glitterdust.co.za

Feature: Purple Ink Design Studio: Today we feature an extremely talented young lady and dear friend, Ishrat Joosub, graphic designer and founder of Purple Ink Design Studio. If I had to describe Ishrat in one word, it would undoubtedly be – creative because that’s what Ishrat is and that’s what she loves doing! That and the fact that she’s REALLY […]

Typography Mania #97

Typography Mania #97:

Typography Mania is a weekly post series that comes around every Wednesday with the best of Typography design works on the web, from type videos to images everything is full of great design and typography inspiration. Users can submit their typography designs.

Click here to check out all the previous Typography Mania

Make sure to click on each image to go to original location where you can check out more work from each artist and designer.


Typography Inspiration
Submited by Jamie Smith Design

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Marcos D. Torres

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Pikaso_Merza

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Nathaniel Hebert

Typography Inspiration
Submited by tsevis

Typography Inspiration
Submited by onetwentythree

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Rahma Projekt

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Yuri Jacobsen Lima

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Marcelo Schultz

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Tomás Susemihl

Typography Inspiration
Submited by BinaryClusterFrak

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Jackson Alves

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Mau Fontinele

Typography Inspiration
Submited by jergot+gotroch

Typography Inspiration
Submited by 55His

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Mauro_Matos

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Derek_Elliott

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Sebastián Andaur

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Sebastián Andaur

Typography Inspiration
Submited by EFG!

About the author

Hi there! I’m Paulo Canabarro, 25 years old, Brazilian web designer based in Providence RI, USA. I’m truly passionate about design of all kinds. Finding and sharing inspiration has become part of my life. If you have any suggestions or requests just get @ me – pvpcanabarro@gmail.com For some cool stuff make sure to Follow me on twitter!


Stunning Digital Art by Jonas de Ro

Stunning Digital Art by Jonas de Ro:

Jonas de Ro is a young digital artist based in Belgium. His works are a mixture from concept art, animation, matte painting, photography and more. The concept behind his art is definitely beautifully detailed and the lighting is just spectacular. You can truly see that his imagination goes way beyond his creativity.

To have more information about Jonas de Ro, you can check out his website at JonasDeRo.be or you can check out the rest of his portfolio on his DeviantArt.

About the author

My name’s François Hoang and my alias’s Aoiro Studio. I am a self-taught freelance graphic designer from Montreal, Canada. I’ve been designing for the last 4 years and really have a huge passion for creative work that makes a difference in our world. If you wanna requests some posts; I can be found on Twitter or feel free to contact me.