Busy Bee

Gosh.. I cant believe how my two little angels are taking up all of my time!! As much as I love blogging, it is now taking a backseat in my busy life sadly 😦

I do hope to blog again soon with some new design work that i am once again yet to upload!

Until then,
Ink away!

Creative Block Dilemma

I have been asked to work on a logo design for a new business.. which happens to be very close to my heart.. 

Here I was on the first attempt thinking wow, that was easy! And looks great but something was just not gelling… After a lot of work in the first draft of my logo design, I don’t want to just scrap that idea.. It needs a lot of refining and a few things added to turn this into a decent logo but something is not working..

I suppose that the creative juices stopped flowing.. so I am stuck!!!! 

I am racking my brains but all I am faced with is graphic designer’s creative block. What to do? Time isn’t on my side so here I sweat waiting for this dilemma to pass.

Here’s an interesting article that I have come across.. Hope that helps me!




Birthday Party Follow Up

Hi there,

Here are some pics that I promised to post about my daughter’s one year birthday party. The party turned out lovely although the weather wasn’t so great. A bit cloudy but nevertheless, everyone had loads of fun 🙂

Thanks to my lovely sister for the awesome photos @Noush.

Party Planning

I am busy planning my daughter’s first birthday party.. .What fun and excitement! Although I know she probably won’t remember anything but I think it’s more us celebrating the joys that this little human brought into our lives! 

So keep your eyes peeled as I will be posting some fun designs that I have done for the party.. Invitation, Thank you Cards etc..

I will be posting these up as FREE printables if any of you would like to have a themed party as that of my daughter’s!

Until next time 🙂

21st Birthday invitation

My sister’s 21st birthday was earlier this year. She kept hinting at a surprise Juicy Couture Birthday Party. She is a Juicy Couture Fan Freak.. Well, if you get such a thing as Fan Freak!

Being her only sister and sibling, it was my honourable duty to fulfill her wish and therefore we had a blast at her Surprise 21st juicy Couture Birthday Bash!

(and yes.. she is forever grateful.. Well.. She better be!!)

An Update & latest work

I guess I have been out of the blogging game for a while now.. Well, life happened!! Crazy hectic life.. But here I am with some of my latest work.

I do hope to blog more often and update everyone on my latest design work. All my designs are licensed under Creative Commons.

21st Birthday Party Invitation
(Contact details has been blocked out for safety purposes!)

More to follow in due course ( my baby is crying- gotta rush

Until next time